We Are Your
Software department

We design, plan, develop and maintain software systems to add value to your clients. Through a wide array of services, a diverse skilled team and strategic partnerships, we carry your business through the next leap forward.
You do the domain knowledge, we do the technical knowledge and the bridges in between. So that regardless of your industry, company size, or stage, we have a plan for your business.

To develop state of the art systems with minimal client overhead to achieve maximum customer satisfaction.
To become a very attractive company for regional talent and the go to company for complex and high stake projects.

Our Services

You ask, we research and report back.
UI/UX Design
Tell us the business problem, We'll create and transform the solution into a clickable APP design!
Landing Page Websites
We Design, develop, optimize for marketing, host and manage emails and domains
Mobile APPs
Native and Cross Platform development. App store management. User analytics.
We can design, prototype and manufacture tailored devices that suits your application.
Frontend development
Pixel Perfect UI implementation, Customized for all screen sizes.
Backend development
Modular software architecture built for scalability, maintainability and reliability
Integrated Systems
We can make systems understand each other.
AI & Data analytics
We can give your system the ability to see, understand language, and predict the future.

We work with
Agile methodology

  • STEP 1
  • STEP 2
  • STEP 3
  • STEP 4
  • STEP 5
  • STEP 6

Business analysis and consultation

  • We outline problems, evaluate business processes, research and compare similar competitor products to recognize the standard solution, then define the business requirements to form a solution that fits perfectly
  • We conduct meetings and presentations to share ideas and findings throughout this step.

Project planning and management

  • User stories documentation.
  • Prioritizing initiatives based on business needs and requirements.
  • Allocating resources and maintaining cost efficiency.
  • Developing project plans, and monitoring performance.
  • Finally, Monitoring deliverables and ensuring timely completion of projects.

UI/UX design

  • Translate concepts into user flows, wireframes, mockups and prototypes that lead to intuitive user experiences.
  • Take a user-centered design approach and rapidly test and iterate the designs with real life potential users.

Software design and Coding

  • Study the system and choose the technology stack.
  • Innovate tailored software architecture, system design and database design.
  • Document and demonstrate solutions by developing documentation, flowcharts, layouts, diagrams, charts, code comments and clear code

Quality assurance and testing

  • Create detailed, comprehensive and well-structured test plans and test cases.
  • Identify, record, document thoroughly and track bugs
  • Investigate the causes of non-conforming software and provide plans to implement solutions

CI/CD and Maintenance

  • Edit and update features through continuous development and integration pipelines.
  • Server management for Live and Testing environments.
  • Case management of Problem Reports from initiation to closure.
  • Monitor user behavior and provide educated suggestions and improvements


Commitment to Customers
Continuous Learning
Constant Improvement

Asked Questions

What’s your continuous integration and continuous development pipeline?
  • Collect client requirements
  • Analyze requirements and translate them into tasks for the development team
  • Fill sprint backlog with highest priority features
  • Code design
  • Code implementation
  • Create a new version of the App for this feature
  • Testing and bug fixing iterations
  • Auto-Deploy this version to Test Environment
  • Testing and bug fixing iterations
  • Auto-Deploy this version to Live Environment
  • Quality Assurance cycle
What are the principles and values that enable agility?


  • Individuals and Interactions Over Processes and Tools
  • Working Software Over Comprehensive Documentation
  • Customer Collaboration Over Contract Negotiation
  • Responding to Change Over Following a Plan


  • Customer satisfaction through early and continuous software delivery
  • Accommodate changing requirements throughout the development process
  • Frequent delivery of working software
  • Collaboration between the business stakeholders and developers throughout the project
  • Support, trust, and motivate the people involved
  • Enable face-to-face interactions
  • Working software is the primary measure of progress
  • Agile processes to support a consistent development pace
  • Attention to technical detail and design enhances agility
  • Simplicity
  • Self-organizing teams encourage great architectures, requirements, and designs
  • Regular reflections on how to become more effective
Why not hire a freelancer?

Freelancers are your go to if you have a working software that needs small modification. But if you are building your software from scratch or require complex modifications, there’s no way around employing all the roles needed in the software engineering process. That being, a UI/UX Designer (To ensure optimal user experience and a professional software), a business analyst (to translate your requirements into technical requirements with technical terminology and restrictions to avoid ambiguity), a product owner (To serve as the single communication line between the client and the team, set priorities, and maintain backlogs), a scrum master (To lead the agile team), an agile team of developers, and a quality control engineer (To ensure a bug free environment).

What are the drawbacks of cheap offshore software development companies?

When developing software, any group or individuals can make it function. But in order to be ready for scalability, maintainability and reliability, there’s no way around employing experienced software architects to make the correct custom design, as there’s no “One size fits all” code design in software engineering. Bad design could end up causing performance bottlenecks, a high cost for modifications, and low end user satisfaction.

  • Reliability is the probability that a system performs correctly during a specific time duration. During this correct operation: No repair is required or performed. The system adequately follows the defined performance specifications.
  • Scalability is the measure of a system’s ability to increase or decrease in performance and cost in response to changes in application and system processing demands. (Enterprises that are growing rapidly should pay special attention to scalability when evaluating hardware and software.)
  • Maintainability The ease (Cost and time wise) with which a software system or component can be modified to correct faults, improve performance or other attributes, or adapt to a changed environment. (Maintainability is a direct product of good software and database design)
What's your timeline and pricing process?

We define the team roles required for your project, from which we derive the average cost of your projects’ man hour.We suggest a monthly number of man hours based on our analysis to allocate to the project to ensure an adequate delivery pace. Finally, we charge you a fixed monthly price that corresponds to a fixed number of man hours for the defined roles.

What's our client on boarding process?

Usually when a client approaches us, they have a rough idea of the solution they need, as well as an understanding of the problem they’re trying to solve or the market need they’re trying to fulfil.
We begin by understanding the client’s requirements then performing “Requirements analysis” for the client’s requirements to output accurate technical specification documents for the required product. The requirement documents serve as the blueprint of the product.
Resources and cost estimation are performed simultaneously with the requirements analysis.

After the client approves the specification and estimation documents, we’re able to begin the software engineering pipeline.

What is "Requirements Analysis"?

requirements analysis focuses on the tasks that determine the needs or conditions to meet the new or altered product or project, taking account of the possibly conflicting requirements of the various stakeholders, analyzing, documenting, validating and managing software or system requirements.

Requirements analysis is critical to the success or failure of a systems or software project. The requirements should be documented, actionable, measurable, testable, traceable, related to identified business needs or opportunities, and defined to a level of detail sufficient for system design.requirements analysis focuses on stakeholder identification, measurable goal, and use cases; and can be classified into the following points:

  • Customer requirements
  1. Statements of fact and assumptions that define the expectations of the system in terms of mission objectives, environment, constraints, and measures of effectiveness and suitability
  • Architectural requirements
  • Structural requirements
  • Behavioral requirements
  • Functional requirements
  1. Functional requirements explain what has to be done by identifying the necessary task, action or activity that must be accomplished. Functional requirements analysis will be used as the toplevel functions for functional analysis.
  • Non-functional requirements
  1. Non-functional requirements are requirements that specify criteria that can be used to judge the operation of a system, rather than specific behaviors.
  • Performance requirements
  • Design requirements
How does Agile process promote trust and reliability?

Continuous development, integration, and delivery are the foundations of Agile contracts, therefor the client continuously validates the shippable output every sprint through the length as the contract persist

What's our software engineering pipeline?

The project manager forecasts the required resources based on the business analyst’s estimations, set up the required environments for managing the project, and on boarding the required team members. After which, the agile process begins where the product owner breaks down the high-level features each sprint into low level implementable features that can enter the development pipeline. Then, the UI/UX team brainstorms and develops the UI, which can then be given to the development team to design the database, server architecture and code then implement the features starting with the highest priority ones. Then the quality control team tests and reports bugs for the development team to enter the bug-fixing pipeline. All while simultaneously maintaining project documents, version control, and continuous deployment.
Finally, after each sprint the client is asked for validation and approval for the finished work as well as the new sprint’s plan.

We define the team roles required for your project, from which we derive the average cost of your projects' man hour.

We suggest a monthly number of man hours based on our analysis to allocate to the project to ensure an adequate delivery pace.

Finally, we charge you a fixed monthly price that corresponds to a fixed number of man hours for the defined roles.

We need to allocate the right resources for you, and that can take time. Usually, we begin immediately after signing the contract but sometimes, we require a buffering period of up to 2 week to adequately allocate the required resources.

No, Not at all, your contract with us can be for as long as it takes and you can pay monthly.

It’s more than important to innovate, market and expand your business, products, services, and revenue streams... Even if you’re not going to work with Tech Hive, consider this as a free consultation for your business. If you’re not working on your software development, Start now!

You can easily cancel anytime, we will just ask you some questions to improve our process and not lose dear customers such as what happened with you.

To be clear, you can get a refund if our team hasn’t started working on your project yet.

We formulate your idea, business processes, and software solutions according to the scope of work we’ve created for you to help your business achieve its full potential.

Never mind, we’re going to help you understand how things go, and we will give you easy ways and simplified methods to understand software and processes of software.

You can also watch our blog to learn more about business and software.

  • We don’t over-promise: we are not going to raise your expectations, we’re going to tell the exact situation to you and be realistic.
  • We don’t lie: lying is a bad habit, if we did something wrong we will tell you.
  • We’re cost-effective: you might get fewer cost offers, but we’re giving you the service you expect in exchange for your payments.
  • We work according to plan: we plan before starting, do our research, understand your business and your needs.
  • We advise: we’re going to help you spread the word with more tips and tricks of business development. Simple tricks can make huge changes for business.
  • We’re not just a software team, we‘re Tech Hive: we’re not just going to create Apps and deploy them, we’re a full solution for your business with all possible business add-ons.
  • We discuss: we’re going to discuss explaining our process and educating why we should do this, in this particular way.
  • We improve ourselves: we don’t stop improving our teams and workflow.
  • We - Really - Care: Your business growth is our challenge, that’s why we care!

Stay in touch

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